Ai and Aki Maeda
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 Battle Royale 1&2

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Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-03-22

Battle Royale 1&2 Empty
PostSubject: Battle Royale 1&2   Battle Royale 1&2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:27 pm

Did you know that Aki starred in Battle Royale and Ai starred in Battle Royale 2?
Aki starred as Noriko Nakawaga and Ai starred as Shiori Kitano.
In the movie,Noriko is older than Shiori but in real,Ai is 2 years older than Aki!
Here are the links to watch the movies on youtube:
Battle Royale:
Battle Royale 2:
Here are the posters of the movies:
Battle Royale 1&2 1717910Battle Royale 1&2 11978710
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