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 New film starring Ai Maeda

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Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-03-22

New film starring Ai Maeda Empty
PostSubject: New film starring Ai Maeda   New film starring Ai Maeda Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 2:25 am

The new horror film is "the shock labyrinth 3D"or in japanese, Senritsu meikyu 3D.It was actually released in Japan in 17 October 2009.
Ai Maeda stars as a blind girl in the movie.
Here's the website:
Pics and movie poster:
New film starring Ai Maeda Poster10New film starring Ai Maeda 110New film starring Ai Maeda 610New film starring Ai Maeda 810New film starring Ai Maeda 1010

Here's the trailer

Looks scary and horrible! Rolling Eyes Shocked
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