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 New film starring Aki Maeda

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Join date : 2010-03-22

New film starring Aki Maeda Empty
PostSubject: New film starring Aki Maeda   New film starring Aki Maeda Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 3:18 am

The new drama film is called "Silver rain" or in japanese, Gin-iro no ame.
Aki Maeda stars as Kikue,one of the main characters in the movie.It was released in October 31, 2009 in Shimane and Tottori.In Tokyo it was released in November 2009.

Here is the official website:
Watch the trailer on that website Very Happy

Here are some production stills:

New film starring Aki Maeda Silver10New film starring Aki Maeda Silver11New film starring Aki Maeda Silver12
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